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Using IoT technology to increase safety in assisted living facilities

A smart-door system allows for more peace-of-mind for residents, families, and employees in assisted living facilities


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Stanley makes most of the automatic doors we walk through every day. Their Digital Accelerator is working on ways to apply internet of things technologies to their automatic door offerings. My team chose to focus on applications that might be useful to assisted living facilities serving people with early to moderate dementia as this is a rapidly-growing population and there is significant new construction where these technologies might be applied.


Facial recognition technology allows for the door to be programmed to allow the appropriate people to leave and enter at-will, or will call a caregiver using a wearable if someone is approaching the door who cannot leave without supervision. Visitors will be assisted in finding their loved one by a voice assistant.

Steve Kangisser

Cheyenne Raker

Process Book


A smart door at the entrance of the assisted living facility increases peace of mind for loved ones, and decreases workload for employees. Residents who need assistance can be given the appropriate level of supervision, while those who do not need intervention can enter and exit unhindered.

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